Worship with us!
Join us Sundays at 10:30am
Weekly Events
Check our social media for up-to-date announcements.
Join us for a contemporary worship service. We believe that God meets us where we are, how we are. So please, come as you are comfortable to connect with Jesus and other believers.
Sunday mornings @ 10:30am
We were living one way and then we encountered Jesus. Now we’ve done a 180, and we’re living for Him.
Come join us, just as you are, for food, fellowship, games, and teaching from the Word of God.
Senior High (grades 9-12): Sundays @ 6pm
Junior High (grades 6-8): Wednesdays @ 6pm
Prayer Meeting
Join us as we lift one another up in prayer. All are welcome. Come to pray or to be prayed over.
Tuesday evenings at 5:30pm
Kids’ Worship
We have several kids’ classes during our Sunday morning service. Our nursery is open for infants-age 2 throughout the service. Kids age 3 through 5th graders are released after praise and worship for their own lessons, crafts, and games.
Sunday mornings @ 10:30am
Tulip Women In God’s Service
Gather with women of God to lift one another in prayer, build relationships, and seek out ways to live in God’s service.
Bag Buddies
Our Bag Buddies ministry provides snack bags for Bloomfield students who might not have food for the weekend. Come help us pack these bags each week.
Sunday mornings @ 8:45am
Small Groups
As followers of Jesus, we are meant to do life together.
Connect and build relationships to strengthen your bonds with Christ and with others.
A time for men of God to gather and study the Word of God together
A place for college age and 20-somethings to worship, play games, and talk about what God is doing in our lives.
Come and have a pitch in meal, worship, prayer, and a time of studying the bible together. All who are college-age and older are welcome.
Bring your family and join us for dinner, conversation, and study of God’s Word.
Come enjoy food, fellowship, and God’s Word. Bring the kids - there is free babysitting.
Want to know more about our small groups or ministries?